Become a Volunteer

We believe there are people across East London with a passion and commitment for disability sport and physical activity.



Legacy Agents are volunteers who inspire disabled people to participate in sport and physical activity. We have developed an accredited training and mentoring programme to engage volunteers to become Legacy Agents and promote disability sport.

The Legacy Agents programme is designed to give local people the skills, knowledge and confidence to successfully support disabled people to participate in sport and physical activity.

If you are interested in becoming a Legacy Agent or want to learn more about the programme please contact Colin King on 07460 862886 or through email

Frequently asked Questions

What are Legacy Agents? 

Quite simply, Legacy Agents are people with a passion for inclusive sport. They are people who can inspire disabled people to take part in sport and physical activity.

Why become a Legacy Agent? 

We believe that becoming a Legacy Agent is rewarding for everyone involved. By becoming a  Legacy Agent you can:

  • Learn new skills – you’ll receive training, advice and on going support to help develop your skills and inspire others
  • Improve your wellbeing – whilst you’re supporting local disabled people to access sport and physical activities you too could improve your mental and physical wellbeing
  • Improve your confidence – you’ll learn and do things that you might not normally get the chance to do – this can be a real confidence boost
  • Meet new people – you’ll meet people with a range of abilities and from different backgrounds and cultures who are as passionate about sport and physical activity as you. It’s a great way to meet like-minded people
  • Give something back to the community. By helping more disabled people to participate in sport you’re helping deliver a lasting legacy from the Paralympic Games

Who can be a Legacy Agent? 

Anyone can become a Legacy Agent, regardless of ability, age, culture or background. All you need is a passion and commitment to inspire and support a diverse range of disabled people to try a sport and physical activity.

How much time is involved? 

We have developed an accredited training and mentoring programme to give Legacy Agents the skills, knowledge and confidence to successfully support local disabled people to try a sport and physical activity. We estimate the programme to be 3 hours per week for 12-weeks. This will vary depending on the needs of each individual.

How do I get involved? 

If you are interested in becoming a Legacy Agent please contact Colin King on 07460862886 or through email

By making contact, you are not committing to anything. It simply means we can answer any questions you may have about the programme.

If you are interested in registering on the programme we will arrange an initial meeting.